#阿草國際新聞 中國振華數據情蒐全球240萬人 臺灣政要、名人、罪犯都入列!
你在網路上的一舉一動,都可能成為中國情蒐的材料!中國振華公司情蒐全球 240 萬人,建立起龐大資料庫,多國政要、名人、罪犯都在其中,引起全球關注,擔憂可能是中國情報收集的一部分。臺灣部份則有前總統 #馬英九、外交部長 #吳釗燮、民進黨秘書長 #洪耀福、立委林昶佐之妻 #Doris 、藝人吳克群甚至是小燈泡案兇手王景玉等多人入列,範圍包括政治人物、高階公務員、軍方人物、產業界人士、名人及罪犯。
該消息是自臺灣時間上週一(14)由澳洲媒體《ABC》與《澳洲商業評論》首先揭露,隨後印度《印度快報》、英國《每日電訊報》、日本《讀賣新聞》、美國《華盛頓郵報》、加拿大《環球郵報》等媒體紛紛發表本國人士遭情蒐的情況。《自由亞洲電台》在 9 月 15 日揭露解密資料庫中有至少 2,900 名臺灣人,並公佈一部分解密名單。《蘋果新聞網》則在週日(20)解密其中 1480 位臺籍名單。
媒體報導指出,在已被外界破解的25萬名單中,已知至少有 5 萬 1,000 名美國人、4 萬名英國人、3 萬 5,000 名澳洲人、 5,000 名加拿大人與 558 名日本人在內,但絕大多數都是普通平民、或是與「關鍵人物」有過接觸的周邊親友。目前仍不確定其他數百萬人的資料細節,對該公司取得數據的途徑與監控邏輯也不清楚。
這個龐大的資料庫是由中國「深圳 #振華數據 信息技術有限公司」所建置。該公司將其命名為「#海外核心信息庫」(#OKIDB: Oversea Key Information Database)。根據 Wayback Machine 2019 年對該公司官方網站抓取的頁庫存檔,這個資料庫由四大子資料庫:人物庫、機構庫、資訊庫、關係庫所組成。
同樣在該公司 2019 年的網站中,出現了強調包括媒體機構重要人物的「媒體數據庫」、包括軍隊領袖、高級軍官的「軍事人物數據庫」,其他還有「智庫數據庫」以及「政治人物數據庫」。此外,該公司也提供客戶「全方位的境外數據採集解決方案」,其中包括「#暗網數據」。
根據多國媒體報導,資料庫涵蓋政治人物、高階公務員、軍方人物、產業界人士、學者、名人及罪犯。這些人被建置包括家庭地址、生日、電子信箱、婚姻狀況、照片、社群媒體帳號(Faceobok, Twitter, LinkedIn, T 等等)、法庭文件與犯罪紀錄的個人資料。澳洲《ABC》表示,其中還包括銀行紀錄、工作申請與心理分析資料,相信部份資料來自「暗網」。
《蘋果新聞網》的報導指出,該資料庫中使用了 Dow Jones 所開發的綜合型跨國新聞資料庫 Factiva 蒐集相關資訊。加拿大《環球郵報》則指出,該資料庫的設計與 Factiva 相近。
加拿大《環球郵報》則指出其所掌握的資料中,有3000多人被給予 1-3 的評級,其中「 1 」多半為具有直接影響力者,如市長、高階文官、公務員等;「 2 」則為這些人的親友;「 3 」則為罪犯,多數為經濟罪犯。在《蘋果新聞網》整理的罪犯名單中,也不少是屬於經濟犯罪。
《華盛頓郵報》則表示,該資料庫不乏直接自 Factiva、LexisNexis、LinkedIn 等美方資訊源直接複製貼上的內容,其中大部份社交媒體資訊,似乎都來自於可以公開存取的帳號。《華郵》引述了一名不具名的專家評估,認為其中可能有重要的資訊內容,但仍不足以作為軍事或情報蒐集上有用的資料。英國《每日電訊報》則指出大部分的學者資料,似乎來自對公開資訊的網路爬蟲。《環球郵報》則稱在 16, 000 份提及加拿大的資料做分析之後,發現很大一部份似乎直接取自 Crunchbase 一類的公開索引資料庫。
此外,《華盛頓郵報》與《每日電訊報》都指出,資料庫中有針對英、美軍方人物與軍艦活動的訊息整理。《每日電訊報》即指出英國國防參謀長 Nick Carter 等人名列其中,但多數為美國軍方人物。《華盛頓郵報》則指出,該資料庫對艾森豪號( USS Dwight Eisenhower)、尼米茲號( USS Nimitz)航母都有指定 ID ,收集分類相應的社群貼文與網站內容。《華郵》報導,美國前海軍作戰部長 John M. Richardson 、前代理海軍部長 Thomas Modly 也名列其中。在資料庫的軍官檔案上,還以中文粗略地註記其服役、培訓經驗。
儘管部份資料可能來自暗網,但不少專家認為,振華的 OKIDB 資料大多來自公開訊息,也欠缺進一步的分析整理,欠缺進一步的利用價值。其資料雖然較劍橋分析所蒐集的精密,但數量卻比劍橋分析所所蒐集的上千萬份資料相去甚遠,一般認為,也無法用於資訊戰。
但專家們仍不排除這些資料有供作情報或軍事部門使用的可能性。這是因為中國向來積極收集各類公開資料。此外,中國在 2017 年通過了《國家情報法》,規定民間企業有協助國家蒐集情報的義務。此外,《華盛頓郵報》指出,該公司曾申請涉及抓取新聞和訊息,管理數據、處理視頻以及社交媒體操縱(manipulation)的專利。此外,該公司也在 2019 年 9 月註冊了「模擬社交媒體互動」的專利。
雖然沒有證據指明中國官方或軍方直接掌控振華數據,但該公司與中國官方、軍方確實有相當程度的連結。網站首頁上便放上「聚合全球數據 助力中華民族偉大復興」的標語,也高調宣傳振華與多家與中國官方、公安、軍方關係密切的企業如拓爾思、華融、中譯語通有合作關係。甚至在公司的微信公眾號「 99 所」,還曾發表與中共官方立場接近的批評香港民主運動文章。這些因素,都令專家們對振華是否僅是進行一般的商用資訊蒐集表示懷疑。在印度,官方已經成立專家委員會調查此事。
這份資料是由曾經在北京大學任教的美國學者鮑丁(Christopher Balding)與澳洲網路安全公司 Internet 2.0 創 辦人波特(Robert Potter)揭露。他們向數家新聞機構提供了一份部份基礎數據庫。鮑丁指出,他在 2019 年時收到告密者提供這份資料庫的資料。在與波特的 Internet 2.0 合作後,下載並重建了約10%的完整數據庫,估計約有 1TB 的文本。
澳洲《ABC》報導指出,振華宣稱他們在海外有20個資料收集節點,其中兩個確認在美國堪薩斯州與韓國首爾。《無聲的入侵:中國因素在澳洲》的作者 Clive Hamilton 向《ABC》表示,這幾乎可以肯定在澳洲有一個。一位五眼聯盟的情報官則稱呼這種情報收集方式為「馬賽克式的情報收集」,只有當資料被放到正確的位置上時才有意義。這與西方的情報收集方式並不相同。
Facebook 與 LinkIn 的發言人皆向《華爾街日報》表示,這樣的收集違反了公司政策。 Facebook 表示已經封鎖了振華公司並向其發信要求停止行為。 Twitter 則表示與振華公司之間沒有任何資料共享協議。
針對各國的質疑,中國外交部發言人汪文斌 16 日表示,他注意到振華公司已公開作出回應,表示有關報導與事實嚴重不符。有關公司已明確表示,「他們是一家私營企業,客戶是研究機構和商業團體,不收集數據,只做數據整合,有關數據都是互聯網上公開的數據。」
📰 臺灣蘋果系列報導 https://waa.tw/ZoT4ot
📰 澳洲ABC https://waa.tw/3TRyTi
📰 美國《華盛頓郵報》 https://waa.tw/THHqOz
📰 加拿大《環球郵報》 https://waa.tw/ND7i5a
📰 英國《每日電訊報》 https://waa.tw/USfAS9
📰 美國《自由亞洲電臺》 https://waa.tw/svIG1G
#中國滲透 #資安危機
🆖 「便當助理」不支薪專喬事、成中國滲透破口 公督盟:別讓立委名片成犯法通行證! https://waa.tw/M0LvqP
🆖 資訊戰專家沈伯洋:數位身分證規劃不周,台灣面對中國威脅「死更快!」 https://waa.tw/yA3yIg
🆖 紐西蘭媒體爆:在野黨領袖赴中參訪、盛讚中國,竟是中國間諜嫌疑人華裔議員楊健牽線 https://waa.tw/HWcpdb
#沃草需要你 #定期定額募集中
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同時也有3部Youtube影片,追蹤數超過1,700的網紅HANS陳思翰,也在其Youtube影片中提到,“SO LONG” by Hans Chen, now available everywhere: https://www.soundscape.net/a/3538 ►Follow Hans Chen: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ioHansC Fa...
「internet manipulation」的推薦目錄:
- 關於internet manipulation 在 沃草 Watchout Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於internet manipulation 在 李怡 Facebook 的最佳解答
- 關於internet manipulation 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳貼文
- 關於internet manipulation 在 HANS陳思翰 Youtube 的最佳解答
- 關於internet manipulation 在 PHIL CHEN Youtube 的最讚貼文
- 關於internet manipulation 在 Dan Lok Youtube 的最佳貼文
- 關於internet manipulation 在 Facebook and Twitter are being used to manipulate public ... 的評價
- 關於internet manipulation 在 Internet Falsehood And Manipulation Bill: The Controversy 的評價
internet manipulation 在 李怡 Facebook 的最佳解答
Living on in fear (Lee Yee)
Hong Kong people have been living on in fear. Contrary to the saying that since the implementation of the National Security Law, violence has been curbed, whereby peace has been restored and normality has returned, everyone, including law enforcement officials and those who have shown support for the law on orders, has been living on in fear. One of my friends, a journalist, said if one craves living on and working as usual, one should stay oblivious of the National Security Law, which will bring calmness and transcend fear and emotional entanglements. Contrariwise, getting overawed amounts to helping those in power that enacted the National Security Law gain their purpose. Yet sadly, by and large, the Chinese Communist Party(CCP) has had its way instantly.
Human fear is constituted by two elements: experiences and unknowable future.
Take the pandemic that has been ravaging across the globe and resurged in Hong Kong as an example. Firstly, COVID-19 keeps the world in fear because of the horrible experiences that it spreads fast and extensively without a trace, with the contracted and carriers showing no symptoms initially, and sustains a pretty long incubation period. Secondly, its resurgence and scale are both unpredictable. Precisely, the experiences and the unknowability have put a halt to the Book Fair, which was supposed to start tomorrow, and made all economists incapable of forecasting the world, China and Hong Kong’s economy. So people live in fear, for they do not have a clue how their lives are impacted by the economy.
Even though it is said that China’s legal system is being perfected day by day, that extradition to China is not hair-raising, that there will be very few cases in which the suspects are extradited to China, that the Chief Executive will keep tabs on the cases, that most cases will be heard by Hong Kong judges…those tranquilizers, which cannot pacify Hong Kong people, cannot even sedate the advocates who put forward the above pretexts for the experiences that there are a lot of uncertainties, flexibility and possible manipulation with National Security Law making breaches of law unknowable. Experiences and unknowability bring about fear.
Under a system in which state power is unchallengeable, the objective of enacting laws is to get the people intimidated. A despotism can definitely do so if it wants to slap the people down.
Sanctions from the U.S. could be actualized, but its intensity and scale are unknowable. If they are applied to big banks in Hong Kong, it will a disaster. Based on experiences and unknowability, officials and the pro-establishment camp are bound to be frightened.
The overwhelming majority of Hong Kong investors chose to put money into Hong Kong in the past for good experiences and knowability. In terms of experiences, business operations were not bothered by politics, and were benefited from the simple taxation, free economy and foreign exchange. When it comes to knowability, the implementation of common law and case law were not totally dependent on judges’ interpretations on laws and were free from political manipulation, therefore were comparatively predictable. It was not without reason that other cities were unable to squeeze in among the three international financial hubs known for adopting common law - New York, London and Hong Kong.
Since the National Security Law taking effect, not only has the number of emigrants increased, but there have also been signs that foreign investments will haul off while Facebook and Google were rumored yesterday to consider withdrawing from Hong Kong in the wake of the fact that quite a number of foreign internet companies have announced suspension of dealing with requests from the HKSAR government for users’ data. If these two most influential global companies pull out, the unknowability of the future economy of Hong Kong will become knowable pessimism.
Freedom from fear is most fundamental among the Four Freedoms proposed by the late U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt. Being free from fear is a prerequisite for freedom from fear of saying something wrong, freedom of religion and freedom of pursuing a better life.
In view of the experiences with the CCP and Hong Kong communist regime, and the uncertainties of the articles of the National Security Law, Hong Kong people and investors cannot stay away from fear. The protesters on the frontlines last year also admitted that they feared, but they went head-on against it for carrying on the movement, crystalizing in the end a new Hong Kong spirit named “mutual destruction”, which means being free from fear in protests. The primaries of the pan-democracy camp last weekend showcased to the CCP and Hong Kong communist regime that thousands of Hong Kong people would still come forward with a big NO even if a machete is pointed at them.
internet manipulation 在 謙預 Qianyu.sg Facebook 的最佳貼文
Been conducting Zoom consultations at home for the past 3 months. Today was the first day I finally stepped out to meet clients. But not long after I was out, my heels "open flower"...
Have I became too heavy? 😁
No problem, there's a shoe shop nearby. Out with the old, in with the new.
Be it shoes or outdated thinking, the same rule applies.
If we want to improve our lives, we cannot remain a stick in the mud.
We are living in unprecedented times.
When we were kids, our parents told us to study well. They said with good education, we would be able to make a lot of money when we grow up.
Truth is, reality is usually the opposite of dreams.
For many people, working for a lifetime at a job of what they studied for in school will never be able to unlock the wealth in their Bazi, much less bring them any fulfilment.
However in this period of 8, as long as you have connection to the internet, you can learn new knowledge and pick up new skills.
You can even combine your different skillsets and past work experiences, and create a unique occupation for yourself.
Some clients are older and are bound to have traditional mindsets.
Some clients are younger and only wish to solve their current problems. They are unable to plan for a future they deemed too far.
My job is to tell you what dangerous potholes are in front of you and guide you on how to create a beautiful future for yourself.
As long as you are willing to change.
As long as you are willing to learn.
It is never too late no matter what age you are.
A Dharma Sister once said, I spoke very well and had very broad knowledge. She hoped that one day, the media would interview me so that I would be more famous.
I laughed.
I told her I had no need for that. In this generation of we media, I can have my own e-newsletter, my own TV station. I do not need to pine for others to discover me or plead with others to give the 40 over year old me exposure opportunities.
My destiny is in my hand, not in the manipulation of others.
I have the guts, and I am willing to continuously add value to myself.
I can create limitless opportunities for myself.
You, can too.
internet manipulation 在 HANS陳思翰 Youtube 的最佳解答
“SO LONG” by Hans Chen, now available everywhere: https://www.soundscape.net/a/3538
►Follow Hans Chen:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ioHansC
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ioHansC
19年暑假的開端,全才音樂人 #Hans陳思翰 第三首的單曲發表
帶著夏日律動的美式 #IndiePop 風格
乍看疑惑 有點矛盾的形容
按下 Play 鍵之後你可能就豁然開朗了
Synth Pop 的電子元素 Hold 住正的流行復古風
融入了 Vocal Manipulation, Sample Chops, 等 新Internet 世代的數位感
在一片 Artificial 裡你還是能聽到木吉他與電吉他等保有經典
Organic 手感的音色 讓冰冷的電腦音樂灌進了一點人的氣息
帶著 Indie 那股 DIY 實驗精神
想要 Snap 響指更清脆 那就加點鑰匙掉落的撞擊聲
想要隱約存在不間斷的節奏 那就加個連續打字的鍵盤敲打
想要在段落存在強烈的沖擊感 那就加個用力甩門的聲音吧
Indie 音樂的建立 不在於厲害的樂器或高端的硬體器材
對於聲音 想要什麼 Just F***ing Do It
哪怕只是用嘴巴模擬出來的聲音 都能成為化龍點睛的效果
Indie Pop
HANS陳思翰 - “SO LONG” Out Now:
Apple Music: https://music.apple.com/tw/album/so-long-single/1470349694
friDay Music:https://omusic.friday.tw/albumpage.php?album_id=1675529
And More:https://www.soundscape.net/a/3538
Hans:#SOLONG 是一種再見也或許不會再見的意思
有些分離 是無論如何都沒有正確方式說Goodbye
因為 最終都是心碎
Music : Hans陳思翰
Lyrics : Hans陳思翰
Arrangement : Hans陳思翰
All this time
I’ve got something more heartbroken than a love song
Sick of playing, sick of singing those sad songs
As pure as heaven
As clear as diamonds
All this time
I’ve been hiding a little something from you
If I tell the truth is there anyone I can run to
It sounds so funny
But no one’s laughing
So long
I don’t wanna sing along tonight
I just wanna be all alone
So long
I don’t wanna dance with you tonight
I just wanna get it off of my mind
Wow Oh Oh
There’s no right way to say goodbye
Cuz we all end up with a broken heart
So long
I don’t wanna sing along tonight
I just wanna be all alone
So long
I don’t wanna dance with you tonight
I just wanna get it off of my mind
Wow Oh Oh
Fxxk it, I’m getting out of here
I guess I’ll be on my way
All this time
I Still got something more heartbroken than a love song
Sick of always playing same old sad songs
As pure as heaven
As clear as diamonds
All this time
I’ve been hiding a little something from you
If I tell the truth is there anyone I can run to
It might sound crazy
But I can’t be the only
So long
I don’t wanna sing along tonight
I just wanna be all alone
So long
I don’t wanna dance with you tonight
I just wanna get it off of my mind
Wow Oh Oh
There’s no right way to say goodbye
Cuz we all end up with a broken heart
So long
I don’t wanna sing along tonight
I just wanna be all alone
So long
I don’t wanna dance with you tonight
I just wanna get it off of my mind
Wow Oh Oh
Fxxk it, I’m getting out of here
I guess I’ll be on my way
(So long
I don’t wanna sing along
I just wanna be alone
I don’t wanna be alone
I will never sing along
I don’t wanna be alone
I don’t wanna be alone
I just wanna be alone)
All this time
I’ve got something more heartbroken than a love song
internet manipulation 在 PHIL CHEN Youtube 的最讚貼文
Privacy is a fundamental pillar of our society. The advertisement-based model of our internet is a threat to our freedom. Phil and Göran discuss why privacy came into mainstream focus again via Cambridge Analytica and why it opens the door for the manipulation of our society.
While many countries increase their surveillance system to a sophisticated level, Europe is pioneering privacy rules with the GDPR.
About idka: https://www.idka.com/
Idka is a new type of social media where protection of your privacy, your integrity and your information is at the very core. On Idka you can communicate, share and work undisturbed with colleges and friends. There is no advertising, nothing irrelevant and no-one can see, share or access your stuff. Communicate freely on a platform where you own the content.
Music: Hadassah
Phil Chen
Instagram / Twitter: @philchen913
HTC Exodus
Instagram: @htc.exodus
FB/Telegram/Reddit: @htcexodus
Rebuilding trust, one phone at a time.
internet manipulation 在 Dan Lok Youtube 的最佳貼文
You can download Dan Lok's best-selling book F.U. Money for FREE: http://wealthbuilding.danlok.link
There are TWO FORMS of communication that must be mastered.
1. Internal Communication.
This is what you are saying to yourself about any area of your life. That includes relationships, health, wealth, skills, and abilities.
“If you think you can or think you can’t you are right.”
Your internal belief system affects your external Communication
All the skills in the world won’t help you if you don’t work on your internal communication first.
Whoever has more certainty will influence the other party.
If you want to persuade others you have to start with yourself.
You need to believe in what you do in order to get others to follow.
Don’t let fear take over Internal communication.
You need to have this kind of conviction: I’m going to sell something they don’t even know they want yet but in the end they will thank me for it.
You have to argue against the negative little voice in your head. Your positive energy has to overpower the negative. Tell him or her to shut the hell up.
Have good internal dialog in the mirror.
I’m not talking about affirmations. Not “I’m a happy successful person”
Instead, handle your own objections with yourself
2. Outward Communication.
This is your ability to influence other people. Now influence in this case is not just getting people to buy from you. It is not manipulation either.
The difference between persuasion and manipulation is your intent. If you intend to help the other person that’s persuasion. If you use people to get what you want at their loss, that’s manipulation. Use these powers for good not evil.
Dan "The Man" Lok, a multi-millionaire and serial entrepreneur, and an international best-selling author. Dan is considered the world’s leading expert in internet marketing and is referred to by many as the “Millionaire Mentor.”
In fact, if you Google “Dan Lok”, you’ll see his name is all over 1,000,000 web pages! (ONE MILLION)
Companies under his leadership generate more than $18+ million in sales a year, and tens of millions of dollars in revenue in the last few years.
Dan is one of the rare keynote speakers and business consultants that actually owns a portfolio of highly profitable business ventures.
Visit http://danlok.com for his latest blogs, news, tips, podcast, and where to catch him LIVE!
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